Sunday, November 26, 2006


Depression comes in many forms and has many causes. Ther are several different substypes of depression. Even people who seem to have the same type can experience it somewhat differently.

As well, depression is an everyday word that people use to describe the "Monday morning blues" and other passing periods of sadness. The result: People often think you are talking about "the blues" when you really mean clinical depression. This can be frustrating for someone with true depression.

In brief, here are some of the more common terms that are used to describe depression:

  • Major Depressive Episode - A period of at least two weeks of feeling extremely low or disinterested most of the day, nearly everyday, plus at least some of a long list of other symptoms (such as insomnia, significant weight loss, and feelings of worthlessness.
  • Major Depressive Disorder - A history of one or more major depressive epesodes without any manic or hypomanic episodes.
  • Dysthymia - Generally a milder (but still serious) form of depression that has been present for a least two years.
  • Bipolar Disorder - Formerly called manic-depressive disorder, Bipolar Disorder involves a history of both extreme lows and highs of mood.

A few observations about depression

  • Depression is hard to diagnose on your own. Our moods affect our judgement of ourselves. So it's often hard to judge whether we are really depressed. Usually it takes a trained professional to make the diagnosis.
  • If you have depression, you are not alone. More that 4% of adult are depressed at any given time, and more that 15% of adults will be depressed at some time in their lives.
  • Depression is not a sign of weakness. Many capable, intelligent, and extremelly accomplished people have been depressed. Being depressed does not mean that you have a "weak personality" or a character flaw.

If you are depress call someone in your area.. Call your Mental Health Counsellor or if you know someone that is depressed, please help them..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Body aches are most of the time not taken seriously by people. The fact of the matter is that they can actually prove to be quite serious at times. Body aches can also be symptoms of other massive illnesses like depression. Though depression does have effective medications in the form of xanax it is obvious that no body would like to fall prey to it.